Lutheran Ministries of Mercy is a registered charitable organization and in Good Standing in the State of Ohio. We file annual 990’s and participate in full financial audits each year. This information can be found on our websites and at Candid (Formerly Guidestar) - visit to view our donor profile. We are happy to provide additional information for you, your financial planner and/or accountant to make all of the processes effortless.

Ways to Give

Prayer - Thank you for remembering us through prayer. If you would like to let us know you are praying…each Wednesday we’ll post an “intention” for prayer on our Facebook page under Lutheran Ministries or Mercy. If you “like” or comment on that post, we’ll know you are praying with us. If you are not on Facebook, you are welcome to send a text to Jeanette at 419-779-4193 and she’ll send you the intention to your phone. We truly appreciate your gift of prayer. 

Time and Talent are all engagement opportunities that mean the world to us. Our clients face many challenges, so as you offer your time and talents as a volunteer, they will join us in saying “thank you!”  For more information volunteerism, please contact our affiliate agencies directly:

  • Filling Homes: Sarah Jackson, 419-592-6451 ext. 1350
  • Luther Home of Mercy: Lisa McNary, 419-836-7741
  • Lutheran Social Services: Debbie Lisk, 419-243-9178
Outright Gifts may be given as a direct contribution or a pledge that can be made over a specified period of time. Our staff is willing to meet with you to discuss the best gift to meet your giving needs. 
Planned Gifts are also an option for giving. While they require more planning and counsel than a traditional gift, we have established funds for our Ministry and we are always interested in meeting with you, your financial or tax advisors.  At your direction, planned gifts can serve as a way to honor your legacy, serve as a memorial or honor a loved one by strengthening our programs for generations to come. 
You can designate several types of gifts that will support our programs and services. 
  • Gifts of cash, credit, checks and in-kind materials; 
  • Gifts of stocks and bonds
  • Gifts of appreciated securities; 
  • Gifts of life insurance, trusts or retirement plan proceeds 
Lutheran Ministries of Mercy and our affiliates will complete the necessary steps to accept gifts in-kind, designated United Way gifts, and other company “matching gift” programs that require documentation. 
Whether you would like to invest in our Ministry today or leave a gift after your lifetime, we would be honored to work with you to find an opportunity that lets you provide for your family and makes a significant difference for our clients.

For more information on giving. please contact Jeanette Hrovatich, Director of Planned Giving by phone at 419-972-4373.