Frequently Asked Question

How to Start a Bulleted or Numbered List
Last Updated 10 years ago

Word 2011 for Mac enables you to configure bullets and numbers in a nearly limitless number of ways. Bullets and numbers are special paragraph styles that visually separate lists from the body of your text — and you'll use them often on Office 201 for Mac documents and projects.
Word’s default AutoCorrect setting automatically detects when you’re starting a bulleted or numbered list. Word looks for consecutive paragraphs that start with either an asterisk (*) or a number. To make Word think you’re starting a list, do the following:
  1. Type some text and then press Return or Enter.
  2. Type either of the following:1 followed by a period, a space, and some text.
    An asterisk (*) followed by a space and some text.
  3. Press Return or Enter.
    Word indents the number and the text, turns on numbering or bullets, and displays a widget. Click the widget for the following options:
    1. Undo Automatic Numbering (or Bullets): Undoes the automatic number or bullet format that was just applied.
    2. Stop Automatically Creating Numbered (or Bulleted) Lists: Tells Word to stop using the Automatic Numbering and Bullets feature.
    3. Control AutoFormat Options: Displays the AutoFormat as You Type tab in the AutoCorrect preferences dialog. See the next heading.
If your document already has a numbered list somewhere, Word may display a small widget. If you click the widget, you can start the numbering over.
The easiest way to turn off bullets and numbering is by choosing Tools→AutoCorrect→AutoFormat as You Type from the menu bar. Under Apply as You Type, deselect the options for Automatic Bulleted Lists and Automatic Numbered Lists.
If you’re typing a bulleted list and you want to tell Word that you’ve typed the last entry for the list, simply press Return or Enter twice after the last entry in the list. Word returns to normal text.

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